
About Web Werks

My name is Sue Foss ā€“ Passionate about the Web and how I bring that to my clients.

Web Development Design Elements Flat

I am based in the Austin TX area. I build elegantly coded dynamic and responsive websites; flawlessly displaying across desktops, tablets and smart phones. I speak a variety of modern content managed platforms such as WordPress, Joomla, Bootstrap, html and more. This website is a composition of my many projects so please take a few moments to explore its contents.

PHP Programming

Expert PHP programming with specialty in WordPress and OpenEMR

Great Support

I won’t disappear and I commit to delivering a solution to your problem


Fifteen years of professional experience with emphasis on WordPress.


I love teaching and mentoring new clients or users who need help.

Cedar Valley Web Werks is a freelance web designer/developer and passionate creative. As the creator of cedarvalleywebwerks.com she utilizes third party services and other designers as needed to deliver top notch services to her clients. With Design in mind, the strategy of Web Werks is to provide Enterprise Web Design, Graphic Design, Multimedia Design and Domain Hosting Solution. Currently located in the heart of Texas; where are heart is šŸ™‚ Our goals consist of providing clients with a fresh perspective regarding identity through visual communication services or practical graphic design work. As a dedicated designer, it is a responsibility to create smarter dynamic websites or designs to attract and maintain customers. Our digital web strategy and development is all about creating the right design solution for clients. CedarValleyWebWerks.com aims to exceed the expectations of our clients through creativity and success. Sue takes pride in making websites searchable, findable, scalable, intuitive, visually beautiful, modern, cross-platform, with the latest web standards and functionality. Websites created are about the focus, goals and objectives, not just technical blueprints. They are created based on a digital strategy and data, not some gut feeling, guesswork and personal preferences. Web Werks builds smarter websites by creating solutions that have both creative elements combined with rational business ideas to ensure success. The best thing about our design is the flexibility to add new features. Everything about that makes every client happy especially when it becomes cost

Need a Quote?

Great! Iā€™m looking forward to learning more about your business and your project goals. This questionnaire should get things rolling.

New Project Questionaire

    * = required

    Contact Details

    6. What kind of project(s) do you have in mind? (Check all that apply)

    Complete WebsiteSite Design OnlySite Development OnlySearch Engine Optimization

    Site MaintenanceLogo DesignBusiness CardsOther

    7. Are you the decision-maker for this project?



    8. Do you have a required launch date?



    If your project is a website, please continue. Otherwise, you can skip ahead to question 14.

    9. What should the function of your website be?

    Brochure - Presents company information and cuntent rarely changesInformational - Presents company information and regularly publishes new content, such as blog posts

    Entertainment - Promotes a product, such as an album or movie, and often inforporates music and/or animationE-Commerce - Wells products or servicesOther

    10. Do you have a site structure ready (list of pages and description of content for each page)?

    Yes, I have a site structure outlined.No yet, but I will get one ready.

    No, I need some help preparing one.Other

    11. How should the site be perceived?

    ModernInnovativeSpre & MinimalisticSophisticated

    Rich & BoldCasualFunOther

    13. Will you be providing your site copy?

    [checkbox site-copy-col-1 "Yes, I have it ready. " Yes, I will compile it.]

    No, I need to outsource the copy.

    14. Do you have any of the following resources for the project?

    LogoPrint Materials (eg. business cards, brochures, or print ads)Branding SpecificationsPhotos

    VideosDomain Namehostingother

    15. What is your project budget? (This range will give me an idea of how many features can be included.)

    Less than $2500$2500-3000$3500-$4500

    $4500-$5500$5500+Not sure yet

    16. Is your company a 501(c)(3) non-profit?



    18. Are you intereste in any of the other following services?

    Logo DesignBusiness CardsOther Print MaterialsDigital Banners

    HTML EmailsSearch Engine OptimizationSite Maintenance
