Knee Pain and Running

Running and Knee Pain There is a conversation taking place on facebook in a runner’s forum about knee pain and running.  What you are about to read is the exchange I had with the author of the original post.  Check it out below.  And will you do something?  If you... read more

Understanding Pain

Understanding Pain How is your understanding pain? Have you been told by a medical professional that the pain you’re experiencing is all in your head? Yes, it’s true. But it’s also much more complicated than that. It does not mean you’re crazy.... read more

Pushing Through The Pain

Each week, I see new clients dealing with a very specific type of injury. The one that comes from pushing through the pain. This past week, Jason Robillard of Barefoot Running University wrote an article that I think you should take a moment to read right now: When... read more

Why I run barefoot

I have been a minimalist/barefoot runner for over four years. I started before the book “Born to Run” gave barefoot running widespread attention. Which, by the way, is a great, inspiring book, and not just because of the barefoot running aspect. It’s just a good read... read more

You Must Prioritize Yourself First

Last week, my partner Katy and my son JBird left Austin for Kentucky to spend some time with Katy’s mom. Katy will stay in Kentucky for a week and a half, and leaves to spend the summer semester in Turkey (You can follow Katy’s adventures in Turkey on her blog.).... read more
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