Chronic Pain and Trigger Points

According to a new report by the Institute of Medicine, “Chronic pain affects an estimated 116 million American adults—more than the total affected by heart disease, cancer, and diabetes combined.” Chronic pain is defined as “severe pain that lasts 30 to 60 days or... read more

Self Massage Using A Foam Roller

Self Massage Using A Foam Roller Deep tissue massage therapy modalities, such as myofascial release, improve flexibility, function, and performance; speed up the recovery process; and reduce chronic pain and injury risk. Regular deep tissue massage therapy breaks down... read more

What is causing your pain?

There are usually multiple factors that lead to pain:  • how much you move • the way you move • how you manage stress • what kind of shoes you wear • your history of injuries Each of these things play a role in how you feel. What is causing your pain? This is a... read more

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy

Are you suffering from chronic pain in your back, neck, shoulders, or knees?  Deep tissue massage therapy can help.  Deep tissue massage utilizes a variety of techniques designed to alleviate symptoms of chronic pain, increase functional range of motion, and improve... read more

Getting in Touch With Your Pain

Pain is not a bad thing.  It is not a good thing either. Pain is a form of communication our bodies have with us to tell us something is going on.  Sometimes it is from pushing ourselves to the extreme, the burn in our lungs and legs with a hard run or the two-day... read more
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