It’s when times are the toughest that everything seems to fly out the door – your priorities, your health, your wellness, and your waistline.  Well, the Holiday Season is now in full swing. Between the shopping, parties, family, travel, and food, Food, FOOD!, the holidays are probably the most difficult and stressful time of the year. That said, it is also the most difficult season to remain focused on improving your personal health and well-being. Giving and receiving are a big part of what the holiday’s are all about. But for most of us, we give at the detriment of our long term health and we receive unwanted body weight, stress, and physical discomfort that remains with us through the following year. Why? What is this season all about if you cannot stay committed to exercising and eating well, while at the same time enjoying the merriment of the season to the fullest? What is this season all about if the first person on your list is not YOU? 

You are not going to be perfect.
Did I mention the food? Every year I hear the weight loss experts say, “it’s easier to lose what you don’t gain.” This is so true. But let’s be realistic. This is a really high stress time of year. If you were struggling to find the time to exercise a month ago, you’re time has dwindled even more. Add to that the amount of delicious high calorie yummies that will be shoved in front of your face day in and day out. Goodies that are absolute torture to pass up. No, you will not be perfect, but…

You don’t have to be perfect.
It is O.K. to indulge. At the same time, don’t let this be an excuse to throw everything out the door. Don’t give in to the mentality that you can simply defer exercise and healthy eating to your New Year’s Resolution. (Hint: this doesn’t work!) Instead remain focused on healthy eating and limit the amount of food you over-indulge in – this month… this week… right now! You are certainly going to be tempted with lots of food.  Lots of really good food. In that case, be extra diligent to not go nuts with the food. And when you do, be okay with it. Be kind and forgive yourself, but don’t give up. Work harder to get your workouts in knowing full well that family is going to come into town. Maybe you’ll be traveling and really limited with the time and places available for working out. Get your workouts in when you can. Do your best. Check out my Holiday Fitness Gift Guide, and buy a set of TRX straps. They are perfect for squeezing in a quickie workout at home or on the road.

Go the distance.
This may mean that you’ll need to wake up earlier. True, you might not ever wake up at 5am during the rest of the year, but if it is the only time for you to take care of yourself then use it. There will be so many conflicts of time: shopping, eating, family. Don’t put your health, or sanity, on the back burner. Do try and make it a priority. At the same time, give yourself a little bit of room and don’t beat yourself up over it. This may be a holiday of giving but nobody is asking for you to give up your health and wellness. There is no person more deserving of your giving than yourself.

This is your life.
Come January 1st, how do you want to feel? If you remain committed and focused, if you put in the effort to take care of yourself through the holiday’s, your New Year’s Resolution will look more like a New Life Resolution. If you can make it through the toughest time of the year remaining true to yourself, you will show that you can make it through anything. Dig deep, stay committed and there will be no challenge in life that will come between you and the most important person in your life… You.

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