“I  want to move more and I want to move better!”

Movement should not feel like work. It is not a box to be checked off or time clock that needs to be punched. As humans animals we need to move. Not just during a one hour sliver of the day… We need to move all day, throughout the day. Not only do we need to move more, but we need to move better. Sitting for 8-10 hours, then “fitting” in an hour of exercise just doesn’t cut it. I’ve experienced this paradigm of movement, where exercise is a chore, becomes stressful, and lacks the necessary quality needed to experience a life of pain and injury freedom. Exercise was stressful. Fitting in an hour long workout during the day felt a lot like another job. It wasn’t fun anymore. Exercise shouldn’t feel like work. When exercise starts to feel like work, it is less likely to get done. Exercise needs to be accessible to your individual goals, needs, and lifestyle. If you are like me, you wish to move better with more quality, grace, beauty, balance, strength, power, and control. You want to maintain this experience of movement when you’re 80, 90, and 100 years old. You recognize that the movements that will serve you tomorrow are skills that have to be developed today. And these beneficial skills are not gifted, they are earned. They must be practiced, refined, and polished each and every day. If the way you move hurts now, what will it look and feel like when you’re 60, 70, 80, or older? This is the question I began to ask myself a few years ago. I was once content with how I moved, until it hurt to move. It was this question that fundamentally changed my movement paradigm. I wanted to move better and feel better. I decided to learn and explore the full potential of human movement. I found teachers and became a dedicated student. What I’ve found is the more I explore natural movement, the less I hurt, and the better I feel. The best part is that it has become fun! Movement no longer feels like work–it has become play… with a purpose. I want it, need it, and can’t live without it. Truly fulfilling movement can be explored with a childlike curiosity. It can be challenging, exciting, scary, exhilarating, hard–but above all, fun. This is what we will focus on in your sessions. My goal is to design a Personalized Exercise Program for you that makes healthy movement engaging and accessible.  A program that is unrealistically hard or is overly demanding of your time does not serve you and is less likely to get done. Changing the paradigm of exercise into short easy, accessible pockets of time that can be accomplished throughout the day takes the “work” out of the workout. It is much easier to fit movement into a bunch of 1-5 minute sessions than to stress and dread how you will “fit” in a full hour (add in travel, changing, and shower time and it becomes more). Now, with a new movement paradigm, it’s ok if you miss your trip to the gym. You’ve been moving better all day long. And if you do make a trip to the gym, it doesn’t feel like work, it feels like a bonus. This is what Move Better can bring to your life. What it will look like: I start every new client with a free consultation. This consultation is a hugely important component to the services I offer. It allows us to get to know one another, discuss what is expected of me as a coach, and you as a client. I will ask about your current pain complaints, injury history, and short and long term goals. I will describe the philosophy and varying modalities of work that I do. At the end of the consultation, if you wish to continue forward, we will plan out the next series of sessions. In each session moving forward, I will analyze your movements, such as squatting, pushing, pulling, lifting, climbing, running, and more, utilizing a combination of hands on muscle testing and visual or video movement assessments. This will help determine where the edges of your movement exist. We will do in studio personal training. In these sessions we will explore the limits of your movement potential. With a focus on increasing mobility, core stability, strength, power, agility, and much more, I will coach you how to perform exercises with skill and grace that will set your body free. I will create a Personalized Take-Home Exercise Program with a core group of movements to practice that will give you the biggest bang for your buck, designed around your specific goals and lifestyle. You will experience a new body consciousness as your body begins to move better every day.

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