Don’t guess, get assessed. Performing massage releases on tight or painful muscles without assessing why muscles are tight is a guessing game. You may leave feeling relief, but often it is only temporary.
NeuroKinetic Therapy™ (NKT) takes the guess work out of massage therapy. It provides a powerful tool for correcting underlying movement issues. NeuroKinetic Therapy is a movement assessment used as both a diagnostic tool and rehabilitative technique. It is effective for treating pain; improving walking/running gait, correcting poor posture, preventing injury, and enhancing athletic performance. For many, treatment can result in nearly instantaneous relief from pain and discomfort.
What does an NeuroKinetic Therapy session look like?
During an NeuroKinetic Therapy session, we will assess the specific movements that are causing pain or dysfunction.
As an example: If squatting causes knee pain, we will assess the specific muscles involved in a squat.
Most of this work is done on the table. We perform hands on manual muscle tests to determine the specific compensation patterns i.e. which muscles are overworking — compensating, and which ones are underworking — inhibited. Once these compensation patterns are determined, we perform a specific Hands on Massage Therapy or stretch release on the compensating muscle and strengthen the inhibited muscle with an exercise. We will then reassess the original movement for improvement, i.e. have you perform a squat. Once a primary compensation pattern is determined, we will coach you how to perform corrective exercises, and send you home with a Personalized Exercise Program.
If you’re interested in learning more about NeuroKinetic Therapy, check out these articles: Stop Chasing Pain and What is NeuroKinetic Therapy. Or you can call or email Jesse James Retherford of The Art of Fitness in Austin, TX by clicking the link below.
![Test of the arm and wrist](http://cedarvalleywebwerks.com/Tao-Fit/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Arm.jpg)