“I need this pain to stop!”
You are in pain. Every movement hurts. Your ability to work, communicate, sleep, and just be present with your loved ones may be affected. When it hurts to move, everything suffers.
When we are in pain, things that are normally “no big deal” become frustrating. Frustration then often leads to fear: fear that this pain is permanent, that this is your new normal. I know this feeling; I have been there. After five knee operations, years of competitive basketball, and zero focus on movement quality, I, too, have dealt with daily chronic pain. If your experience has led to feelings of depression and hopelessness, know that there is a way out. Through years of exploring, studying, learning, and experiencing movement and massage, I have developed a movement therapy practice to help eliminate pain and, most importantly, get you back to moving and functioning fully in the world.
What it will look like:
I start each new client with a free consultation. This consultation is a hugely important component to the services I offer. It allows us to get to know one another, discuss what is expected of me as a therapist, and you as a client. Prior to the consult, you’ll receive a new client intake form, which can be filled out online. During the consult, I will ask about your current pain complaints, injury history, and short and long term goals. I will describe the philosophy and varying modalities of work that I do, answer any of your questions about what to expect, and explain what is expected of you. At the end of the consultation, if you wish to continue forward, we will plan out the next series of sessions. Note that for most pain issues, it commonly takes between 4-8 sessions to progress to a significant reduction of pain or to be completely Pain-Free.
In each of your sessions, I will perform a movement assessment utilizing Neurokinetic Therapy™ or NKT. NKT is both a diagnostic tool and rehabilitative technique, which I use to determine the primary muscular dysfunction causing your pain.
Most of this work is done on a massage table. I will perform hands on manual muscle tests to determine the specific compensation patterns, i.e. which muscles are overworking (compensating), and which muscles are underworking (inhibited). Once your compensation patterns are determined, I perform a Hands on Massage Therapy or stretch release followed immediately by a strengthening exercise.
At the end of the session I will teach you specific exercises to help you progress out of pain. You will take home a link to a video of your Personalized Exercises Program created specifically in real-time, so you can perform the exercises properly at home.
While often this work is quite “magic” in that your pain completely disappears after the first or second session, for most people it takes several sessions to start seeing significant results. If you have have been dealing with years of chronic pain, or have very detailed injury history, it may take longer to start unraveling the pain patterns.
Know that your pain is not permanent. Becoming Pain Free is an individual process, and processes take time and commitment. There is hope.

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