Is your program designed for a big group or for your individual needs?
At the end of most personal training and coaching sessions, you will receive your at home personalized exercise programs delivered to your email inbox via Youtube link so you can refer to it over and over. This personalized exercise program is yours to keep, and serves as a customized guide to …. ensure the work you do on your own is achieving the goals we’ve developed working together.
During each personal training session, my primary goal is to give you one to three powerful take home exercises that will give your body the biggest bang for your buck. I choose these exercises based upon a combination of factors beginning with a detailed professional movement assessment to determine the specific movement needs of your body. I look at the specific demands of your time such as work, lifestyle, family, and hobbies; and what tools you have available such as exercise equipment, gym membership, or indoor and outdoor home space. I take all of these ingredients to develop a personalized exercise program that is easy, accessible, and designed to help you achieve the greatest results to help you meet your goals.
Customizing Your Personalized Exercise Program
Towards the end of the personal training session, I will instruct you how to do each exercise, so you can feel it in your body. This is an important moment in your training session. If you don’t feel it in your body, it will be much harder to replicate the personalized exercise program at home. I will note the simple cues that reinforce for you how the exercise should feel. I will then have you video me demonstrating each exercise, repeating these same cues from the session. Once your session is over, I load the video onto Youtube and email you the link.
Each time you refer to this video and do your “homework assignment”, you will feel your body opening, with less tension, more mobility, developing some serious strength, and all with less pain. And best of all, you will feel confident knowing it is guided with intention and tailored to your specific needs to help you reach your goals. .