Warrior Care

“I’m looking for every little edge to improve my performance!”

Being a warrior athlete takes a high level of commitment. The ability to endure through pain is partly what makes us successful, but it is important that training doesn’t actually hurt our body. Warriors train for competition, but most training programs cause nagging injuries that decrease performance or worse… prevent us from even showing up. You are out there pushing yourself each and every day, striving for your personal best, but are you sacrificing your body doing what you love? In the long term, that’s a losing proposition.

Every competitive athlete needs warrior care!

I know what this is like. I too am a warrior. When I was a younger collegiate basketball player, I spent hours pushing my body to be the best. I was good, but I pushed my limits too far–again and again. With each injury, I rushed healing to be back on the court. After 20 years, injuries started adding up; I experienced daily chronic pain. I couldn’t run, couldn’t lift. I couldn’t perform simple movements. Every time I played my knee would hurt for a week. I had to make the hard decision to stop playing basketball altogether.

I wish I’d had an advocate for my body, a warrior care specialist. Someone I could trust to be the link between surgeons, physical therapists, coaches, and myself. Someone who could develop a wellness strategy to help me heal and recover so that I could compete–while at the same time remaining mindful of my long-term physical well-being. I never found this person, so I became this person for myself. I became my first client.

You’re a warrior athlete, pushing yourself to higher and higher levels. You need a team that can take care of you. This is what The Art of Fitness Warrior Care offers… the supplemental care you need to be a life-long warrior. I am the advocate for your body. I am your back up support, here to keep you performing at your peak while reducing the risks of training at high intensity. I am tasked with developing a personalized program to make your body bulletproof. I am here to be your warrior care specialist.

What it will look like:
Much of this program will be determined by your chosen sport, competition schedule, current goals, and/or specific “problem” movements you wish to improve. We’ll start with a free consultation to determine just where your focus and needs lie. This consultation is a hugely important component to the warrior care services. It allows us to get to know one another, discuss what is expected of me as a warrior care coach, and you as a client. I will ask about your current pain complaints, injury history, and short- and long-term goals. I will describe the philosophy and varying modalities of work that I do, answer your questions about what to expect, and explain what is expected of you. At the end of the consultation, if you wish to continue forward, we plan out the next series of sessions.

In your Personal Training sessions, we’re not looking to replace your current regimen. we’ll focus on developing an intentional program that supplements your current training program, making it more sustainable. As a MovNat Certified Coach, I can help you develop and refine movement skills such as crawling, climbing, jumping, squatting, pushing, pulling, vaulting, swimming, and more. I will assess your movement skills and coach you to perform them with greater efficiency and effectiveness. I will design a Personalized Exercise Program which can be combined with your regular training program. I will consult with your coach, physical therapist, doctor, chiropractor, or other health professional and be a vocal advocate providing guidance to help keep you injury free.

This type of work is incredibly challenging; it’s not the fun, glamorous workouts that you get to post pictures of on social media. Here you won’t be doing heavy squats, burpees, or weighted pull ups–all of those are conditioning workouts to be done with your primary coach. With Warrior Care, I will get you shaking and sweating with simple movements that at first expose and then strengthen the gaps in your body armour. You will develop functional movement skill and efficiency. This will be the foundation for you to build greater strength, power, and endurance. If you want to see improvement in your sport and build an injury free, bulletproof body, this is the work that must be done. This is the warrior care you need to remain competitive!

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